Privacy and personal data protection became one of the main burning issues in everyday life. Transparency and confidence are the most valuable standards in the relationship between users and parties that collect, handle and use their confidential information. Still, moral principles are not enough to ensure consistent and thorough implementation in all application fields. As a result, several major regulations…
BizDataX has finally released its 5.0 version. The highlight of this edition is that, from now on, users can mask sensitive data via a web interface – a data masking web application. Two essential parts, the Portal and Designer, make up the end-to-end data masking and data anonymization solution known as BizDataX:
Jednostavan način da ubrzamo for i foreach petlje je koristeći paralelno programiranje odnosno Parallel.For i Parallel.ForEach. Tako će se pojedine iteracije petlje izvršavati paralelno u više threadova, a pri tome ne trebamo sami brinuti o threadovima. Koliko ubrzanje ćemo postići ovisi o C# kodu unutar tijela petlje. Korištenjem Parallel.For i Parallel.ForEach možemo i usporiti C# kod u slučaju kada u…
Secure and scalable ASP.NET Core applications rely on proper authorization logic implementation. Keep authorization code close to API endpoints and use framework defaults for a standardized and familiar authorization system.
As the world of the “new normal” emerged, WebRTC-based software has reached almost every corner of human life. The business world has also been affected by this change, meaning that without WebRTC, almost every modern business would mostly not be possible.
IT outsourcing is not a new thing. Companies have been doing it for years, especially those in North America and Western Europe who used to hire Central and Eastern European IT companies to do the work for great quality, but with much lower costs.
While developing an enterprise app for one of our clients, we encountered a rather interested requirement requested by the end users – to reduce the number of user accounts required. Identity Server turned out to be the best solution.
Software development is a route that is loaded with unknowns. We’re building new stuff, so mistakes are inevitable. Having a senior developer in a leadership role on board will help us avoid some issues, as well as deal with other challenges.
Even though WebRTC is simple to implement and use, not all real world use-cases are that straight-forward. WebRTC has the solution for those cases as it covers almost any complex request that comes across, and that’s why it is and will stay the technology to go for in modern web-based real-time communication systems.
This story is about microservices and how they help you learn to appreciate good practices and understand the importance of using patterns, but most of all how good team communication and collaboration with the client can make a microservice story come to life and succeed.