Jednostavan način da ubrzamo for i foreach petlje je koristeći paralelno programiranje odnosno Parallel.For i Parallel.ForEach. Tako će se pojedine iteracije petlje izvršavati paralelno u više threadova, a pri tome ne trebamo sami brinuti o threadovima. Koliko ubrzanje ćemo postići ovisi o C# kodu unutar tijela petlje. Korištenjem Parallel.For i Parallel.ForEach možemo i usporiti C# kod u slučaju kada u…
Secure and scalable ASP.NET Core applications rely on proper authorization logic implementation. Keep authorization code close to API endpoints and use framework defaults for a standardized and familiar authorization system.
IT outsourcing is not a new thing. Companies have been doing it for years, especially those in North America and Western Europe who used to hire Central and Eastern European IT companies to do the work for great quality, but with much lower costs.
While developing an enterprise app for one of our clients, we encountered a rather interested requirement requested by the end users – to reduce the number of user accounts required. Identity Server turned out to be the best solution.
We are moving from theory to practice by building a powerful and secure WebRTC solution with Microsoft SignalR (with .NET Core 3.1) as our socketing & backend choice, and Angular 11 as our frontend client choice.
We finally embraced splitting the code into smaller pieces and making the communication between these smaller parts defined and organized.
It all began as a small project. Time went by, but things did not roll out as planned – so every obstacle guided us to the Cloud-native.
Sometimes entities have a variable set of generic properties. Such scenarios often emerge when the entities have a large number of possible properties, with each entity usually using a smaller subset of properties.
As an Angular project evolves, in this part of the Angular architecture tutorial we would create modules, load them dynamically, share their data and start to build modular architecture.
In the world of web applications, everyone loves the scenario where one app requests an action and another app responds to that request afterward.